Wednesday 28 March 2018

Are you practically right?

There was a teacher,who teaches maths.
A 6 year's old boy called rathi studying in the class
Teacher asked rathi, if i give you 2 apples and another 2apples ,how many apples you have?
Rathi, "replied" 
teacher was upset how can 2 and 2 will be 
she agian repeat the same question
Rathi replied the same answer "5"

So,the rembered that rathi likes chocolates
And said rathi if i give u 2 chocolates and another 2 chocolates,how many will you have? 
Rathi replied "4"
Teacher was pleased and quit happy,so teacher confirmed  that he understand the math right
Again she asked the same question with apples
Rathi replied "5"
Teacher was annoyed, and asks how 2 and 2 apples will be 5 and how can 2 and 2 chocolates will be
rathi said: teacher i already had 1 apple in my bag
Where as i don't  have chocolate in my bag

Was teacher right?
Yes,techinally she is right 2 and 2 will be  "4"

Was rathi right?
Yes, practically he is right

All conflicts arises because of the gap between the technically rightness and practically rightness

So just think of your self you are technically right
But you failed to see an hidden apple

I hope this might be useful for you
Try to see the practical rightness

##My special thanks to guruji

Friday 23 March 2018


The reason that the result of a division by zero is undefined is the fact that any attempt at a definition leads to a contradiction

In an simple words 
We,can not determine how many zeros are required to solve a zero

Tuesday 20 March 2018


The inspirational story of philani dladla

Philani dladla an avid reader and insatiable desire for knowledge, philani used to love the books in order to overcome the drugs

“I decided I needed to save myself. I chose not to keep any money so I could avoid buying drugs. Anything I got I immediately spent on food … and books.” – Philani Dladla

Where philani began to trying up different  drugs which made him to lose his job and finding himself on the streets under the nelson mandela bridge. That is a place where he would call home for number of years
 It was through the bag of books that he had managed to keep from his inherited collection that Philani would start turning his life around.  Where Philani started reviewing the books and selling them to the people .He demanded a price according to how he rated the work in question.
Where His unique approach soon captured someone's ’attention and he became known as “the pavement bookworm”.
 Documentary filmmaker Tebogo Malope interviewed him about his roadside bookstall and posted the video online – where it went viral.
And Philani’s life changed unexpectedly 
Today Philani is known around the world and he is in high demand because of his story. 
He is a motivational speaker who is committed to sharing the power of reading and how it helped him to overcome adversity. 
Apart from that little money Dladla makes by selling books, he has started a Book Reader’s Club for underprivileged children in Johannesburg. 
Visit for more information on Philani’s ongoing work and projects.
Here we can see how the life of PHILANI dladla got changed through his passion and as well as an unique approach
There might be lot of chances roaming around us but the thing is we need to know how to find out the relevant one and the proper approach 
I hope this might 

Monday 19 March 2018

Genghis khan

He created one of the first international postal systems.

Along with the bow and the horse, the Mongols most power weapons is their network of his earliest decrees as Khan involved the formation of a mounted courier service known as the “Yam.” This medieval express consisted of a well-organized series of post houses and way stations strung out across the whole of the Empire. By stopping to rest or take on a fresh mount every few miles, official riders could often travel as far as 200 miles a day. The system allowed goods and information to travel with unprecedented speed, but it also acted as the eyes and ears of the Khan. With this yam he mantains contact with his extensive network of spies and scouts. The Yam also helped protect foreign dignitaries and merchants during their travels. In later years, the service was famously used by the likes of Marco Polo and John of Plano Carpini
Even he is well known famous for his strategics
He established the largest land empire in history. After uniting the nomadic tribes of the Mongolian plateau, he conquered huge chunks of central Asia and China. His descendents expanded the empire even further, advancing to such far-off places as Poland, Vietnam, Syria and Korea. At their peak, the Mongols controlled between 11 and 12 million contiguous square miles, an area about the size of Africa. Many people were slaughtered in the course.


Sunday 18 March 2018

Wilma Glodean Rudolph

Wilma glodean rudolph  (June 23, 1940 – November 12, 1994) was an American sprinter from clarksville, who became a world-record-holding Olympic champion and international sports icon in track and fieldfollowing her successes in the 1956 and 1960 Olympics games
Rudolph was acclaimed the fastest woman in the world in the 1960s and became the first American woman, and the first African American woman, to win three gold medals in a single Olympic Games.
Rudolph was born prematurely at 4.5 pounds (2.0 kg) Rudolph, who was born into poverty in the racially segregated south, was the twentieth of twenty-two siblings from her father's two marriages.Shortly after Wilma's birth, her family moved to clarksville,where she grew up and attended elementary and high school. Her father, Ed, who worked as a railway porter and did odd jobs in Clarksville, died in 1961; her mother, Blanche, worked as a maid in Clarksville homes and died in 1994.
Rudolph suffered from several early childhood illnesses, including pneumonia and scarlet fever, and contracted infantile paralysis (caused by the polio virus) at the age of four.She recovered from polio, but lost strength in her left leg and foot. Physically disabled for much of her early life, Rudolph wore a leg brace until she was eight years old. Because there was little medical care available to African American residents of Clarksville in the 1940s, Rudolph's parents sought treatment for her at the historically black  meharry medical collage in about 50 miles (80 km) from Clarksville
For two years Rudolph and her mother made weekly bus trips to Nashville for treatments to regain the use of her weakened leg.She also received subsequent at-home massage treatments four times a day from members of her family and wore an orthopedic shoe for support of her foot for another two year Because of the treatments she received at Meharry and the daily massages from her family members, Rudolph was able to overcome the debilitating effects of polio and learned to walk without a leg brace or orthopedic shoe for support by the time she was twelve years old.
Rudolph was initially homeschooled due to the frequent illnesses that caused her to miss kindergarten and first grade. She began attending second grade at Cobb Elementary School in Clarksville in 1947, when she was seven years old.Rudolph attended Clarksville's all-black Burt High School, where she excelled in basketball and track. During her senior year of high school Rudolph became pregnant with her first child, Yolanda, who was born in 1958, a few weeks prior to her enrollment at Tennessee state university in Nashville. In college Rudolph continued to compete in track. She also became a member of the delta sigma theosorority. Rudolph graduated from Tennessee State with a bachelor's degree in education in 1963. Rudolph's college education was paid for through her participation in a work-study scholarship program that required her to work on the TSU campus for two hours a day
Where her practice made her topped the track even polio got affected,not even legs were working but her desire to run made her to topped the track
Where her life teaches us that
Even at any circumstances if you have a strong desire to do that you can attain any thing in your life
Just think of it
You May might you couldn't able to do something because of disturbance or circumstances
Is that a issue? After you read this story



Put the upcoming stories in perspective with these sage pieces of advice

This tells you that you are limit to yourselves
But what you think that's not your limit
Jst think about it?


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